5 Easy Tips for Taking a Great Photo Booth Picture

Taking a picture at a photo booth is fun – along with your special someone or with bunch of all your friends. It seems like the perfect picture moment which you can capture and put in your scrap book and possibly laugh about it later in your life.

You can make this photo booth picture even funnier if you just follow these simple steps on how you can make it a stomach giggling and memorable picture – not to mention the experience and the quality that each picture provides you.

Maybe with the age of smartphones and digital cameras lowered the use of photo booths, but they continue to possess the same charm they have always had.



Master your silliness!

Come on now, don’t be afraid to look ridiculous. That is the whole idea, isn’t it? Photo booths are not exactly for serious sit down photography, it is meant for making the moment silly with giggles and ensuring that you indeed should look at your craziest best! What with making fake postures or a pseudo-war like picture, all you have to do is strike a funny pose and make it worth million giggles.


Be Prop ready – That’s right. If you are planning to include some funny props and articles with yourself to make your picture look different, make sure you are ready with all your props and equipments if you want your photograph to reveal the funny side of you.

Let’s get together – As well iterated before, it is to capture the funniest moments of your life. And if you have a huge group that does all such mischievous photographs with you – well! What more do you want! You have got amazing friends who are ready to share the lens space with you to make the pictures look amazing.


Else just for you two – Definitely I wouldn’t suggest to spoil your private moment either with an army of friends thronging around you. A private and cozy moment too can be captured with your beloved and that too can be made equally funny and simply ridiculous – tell you what! You can keep even this picture as ridiculous and silly as you want it to be.

Be Different; Do Different – Now what better can I suggest than striking silly and absolutely idiotic postures and expressions to make the photo booth experience a worthwhile one. Think differently and put on some of the never before seen postures and expressions. You might actually be surprised to see how much talent you possessed and only a photo booth brought out the best in you!


How much ever the world of photography gets digitized and sophisticated; there is one thing possibly technology cannot replace – the photo booth feeling. The fun, the crazy and absolutely funny and humorous ideas can be used and clicked in the same posture of your wish making your pictures a must necessity as they find their way into your friend book or best friend album

Remember one thing for sure – photo booths still hold the same charm as it always held and it still continues to cater to our funny and fantastic tastes!



Bency George, www.designzzz.com